Dag, Maders! Ik wil over Star Wars praten. Ik zie The Rise of Skywalker (de negende film van Star Wars) in Desember 2019. Vier maanden geleden. Als ik schrijf dit tekst, nu is April. Vergeef me if I didn’t remember much things about the movie. I will just give my appreciation and little explanation.

The point of this movie is about Rey Skywalker being a jedi. Yups, her last name is shocking us all. I never knew if she’s the descendant of Skywalker. Uitstekend, toch? She has doubt in her heart whether she can face the war or not. It seems that she must do something big to save people. Daarna, she keeps training and improving her capability.
When the final war comes, Rey is about to go alone, maar haar vrienden ook gaan. Without their help, it’s impossible to win the war. This movie teaches us to do teamwork. The first enemy Rey has to deal with is Kylo Ren. They hate each other. Kylo Ren becomes bad because he kills his own father and looks for power. In the end, Leia (Ren’s mother) sacrifices herself to turn Kylo Ren into a good person again. Somehow Leia whispers from very long distance to Ren’s soul. She’s so weak and eventually dead after that.
Rey and her army get helped by Kylo Ren to defeat Emperor Palpatine. As always, Palpatine is an old disgusting guy in a black mysterious cloak. The war is epic because there are many spaceships in the air, shooting each other. Moreover, many good people die in this war. So sad!
Rey needs to face Palpatine alone inside his dark castle. Suddenly Kylo comes to help her. I don’t know why but they becomes romantic. Even he kisses her when Rey is dying. Wow! The ending is fantastic because good side wins. Rey is safe.
This is the last movie of Star Wars series. I still wonder what happens to Rey for the next journey. She buries the lightsabers in the sand. In my fantasy, I imagine Rey gets married with someone and they have another Skywalker’s descendant.
Ja, dat is klaar. Ik zal andere film vertellen. Doei, Maders!
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