donderdag 20 oktober 2016

Anger Got by Children

Hello, Maders! How are you? I’m perfectly fine here. I tell you what, the voluntary program has officially ended and I must focus on my final project. At least, I’m home so I’m delighted. Haha

Today, I’m going to share about anger got by children. What I mean is parents sometimes get mad to their children because of little mistake. Although the little mistake could be an innovation or creation made by children, the parents don’t seem understand it.

A phenomenon I got in a village was when a child cried, the mother would hit the child with hand and said bad words like “you naughty kid!” See, it’s not good for the child’s psychology. The child would believe if she is naughty and keep it in her mind.

My parents always say positive words to me such as “beautiful”, “smart”, and so on. Then I keep those nice thoughts in my mind and I believe that myself is beautiful and smart. (I don’t care if people see me bad haha)

The point is when someone gets support and positive things, he or she would have courage to do something better. When you’re sad, you hope that somebody will cheer you up instead of letting you down. Am I right?

Children are precious treasure for this country and they need to have pleasant memory in order to be excellent people. They will lead this country in the future. I’m not kidding but a simple thing like giving compliment to them could make them better.

Here I give you an example. A kid is drawing a weird object and showing it to you. After that, you say that the drawing is good and you show him how to make it better. The kid will appreciate what you do and I think the kid could improve his “weird” object into “better” one.

Personally I’m an adult but I haven’t had kids. Haha. Of course! I need to continue my study to master degree and I will think of marriage. But hey parents, you need to be patient facing your children. If they do something wrong, you have to ask the reason why instead of directly judging them. Remember this, everything has a reason to exist and something big starts from something small. Make this environment better place for children.

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