maandag 19 juni 2017

Watching The Mummy at Citra XXI

Hello, Maders! Have you watched The Mummy? Yup, the main actor is Tom Cruise. Oh, he’s so damn hot in the movie! Honestly I love Tom Cruise since he played in the Mission Impossible series.

Yesterday, I had a chance to watch the movie with my friends - Rifqi and Syahrul (they’re brothers) – along with their mom. They asked me to join them a few days before and absolutely I said yes. I rarely watch movie because of the price. Usually I ask someone who has watched the movie, and he/she will tell me the plot. Spoiler! Well, at least I can save my money for something else. Better know the story though. Haha.

Personally I give my two thumbs up for The Mummy. It must be hard for making such an awesome movie. The visual effects are extraordinary and once again I love the actors (not only Tom Cruise). On the other hand, the movie is a bit creepy. I don’t like horror movies but the mummy showed up several times with you know, mysterious moves.

Although The Mummy deals about ancient Greek stuff, it has funny conversation (read: humor). It’s very recommended for those who love action genre, history, and fantasy.

A week from now, Rifqi will have a birthday on June 26. The date is the same with me, but mine is in May. What a coincidence! I gave him an early birthday present, a green bicycle miniature. I had no idea if his favorite color is green. I was lucky because I also wrapped it in green paper. He loves it!

Actually today I sent cards for Rifqi and his brother. Inside the envelope was a birthday card for Rifqi with my Narnia business card and a card for Syahrul with basketball picture. As long as I know, he loves basketball, so I think it will be nice if he gets a card too from me.

I intentionally keep it as a secret. I don’t tell both of them. I just hope that my envelope will get there before his birthday. Hahaha. Well, I love secret missions. If he reads my blog about this, ah surely he will know. It’s okay though.

Okay, Maders, that’s all for today. I hope you have a great day. Stay awesome and keep being cool!

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