donderdag 18 januari 2018

The Baby Goats

Hullo, Maders! This afternoon I played with some goats and their babies. To be honest I just held one of the baby goats because others were very noisy. You know their sound, don’t you? Hahaha.

I’m an animal lover but I don’t have real pets of my own. Parents forbid me because they said I’d be too busy to take care of them. If I have a choice, I’d love to have a tiny cat. A hamster will be fine too. I think it’s impossible because having pets means ‘poo’ according to Mom. She hates dirty stuff.

Those goats I played belong to my cousin and other people. The shepherd has a job to keep them all behind his home. He’s living in a village surrounded by trees. I usually wear gloves when touching animals (Mom’s suggestion), but I forgot to bring gloves today. I didn’t mind striking the goat’s fur.

I did nothing in the morning then I found my mom in piano room. She didn’t go to office, but doing her project on laptop. After that, we decided to visit the shepherd cause I wanted to see the baby goats so much. A few days ago Dad informed me that those goats looked cute, as small as my cow pillow, Mupi.

Before heading to the shepherd’s house, Mom and I went to a mall. I bought new pants. Then, we ate Soto of Mr. Man. Finally, I played with the goats.

In fact, I’m lucky enough to see pets I like. Wild cats are everywhere and I just need to buy cat food and feed them on the street. Perhaps I don’t have to keep pets at home in order to stay healthy. Treating pets is not an easy task, I have asked friends of mine. They need to bathe, feed, check, train, and poo.

Well, that’s me and the goats. If you have your favorite animals, you could tell me for sure. Have a good day, Maders! Keep loving animals!

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