zaterdag 17 december 2016

Star Wars Rogue One

Hi, Maders! What have you done on this Saturday night? I’ve watched the latest Star Wars movie at XXI Paragon with my boss, her children and aunt. There were five of us. To be honest, I’m spending this weekend at my boss’ place and having a mission to teach her forth grade daughter English vocabs in order to face a spelling bee.

Okay, let’s talk about Rogue One. I thought it referred to somebody that would betray others in the movie because the whole thing was about rebellion. In fact, Rogue One is a name of a flight, the plane for the rebellion to go to another planet.

Darth Vader is still alive in the movie because this movie shows about the beginning of Death Star, so I’m still thinking what happens to Luke Skywalker after getting his light-saber from Rey in the 7th Star Wars movie. Mystery!

As usual, Star Wars has awesome visual effects on every scene. I love it! This time, the main characters are Jyn, Cassian, and K2. K2 is a robot who promises to Jyn that he will protect her. So sweet! Cassian is about to kill Jyn’s father but he finally doesn’t kill him. Instead, he becomes a friend for Jyn. Their mission is to find a clue to destroy Death Star.

There are other surprising characters showed in this movie, they are the actor of IP Man, Darth Vader, and Princess Leia Skywalker. Donnie becomes Chirrut that is blind. When he is captured, the evil men cover his face, and he says, “are you kidding me? I’m blind!” It means there is no point to cover his face because he cannot see already without any cover. Haha.

My favorite part is when Darth Vader chocks his director by making a ‘U’ shape with his fingers without touching him. Cool! I’m a fan of Darth Vader although he’s a bad guy. FYI he used to a handsome man named Anakin Skywalker.

The movie is funny and interesting for those who love fantasy and action movies. It has a romantic and sad ending. I’ll tell you an important quotation in the movie below:
“I’m with the Force and may the Force be with you.”

Happy weekend, Maders! See you around!

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