donderdag 1 december 2016

Autumn in Kedleston Hall, United Kingdom

Good Evening, Maders! What have you been doing today? I was reading a novel by James Dashner entitled The Fever Code and laying on my bed with blanket. My doll’s sitting next to me. Haha. It’s a cold afternoon with rain coming down from the grey sky.

After I finished reading the book, I talked to some friends and said hello to them. I do this activity regularly in order not to lose contacts. It’s important to reach people far away there and still building a good relationship.

I have a friend in England, her name is Hattie. We’ve been friends for years since I was in Senior High School. We both love Narnia and we haven’t met to be honest. The first time we talked through Twitter and now we chat through iMessage.

I’d love to collect pictures about seasons that my country doesn’t have. They’re Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer. I asked Hattie to send me some pictures about her seasons in UK and so far I’m having pictures about Autumn.

My imagination puts my mind as if I were in UK although my body’s here in Indonesia. Someday I really want to go abroad and see those seasons with my own eyes. Yeah, someday! The plane tickets are madly expensive and I also need to manage my visa and passport. Who says that travelling abroad is simple?

Well, thanks to her that she always shares me everything that I ask. I could give her questions about everything that I want to know about English and others then she would reply me. I’ve been studying English literature, so she’s like my savior to help me with it.

Okay, that’s all for this time. I just want to show you the beauty of Autumn. Again, thanks to Hattie, my friend in UK! We surely need to meet someday. Have a good day, Maders!

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