maandag 30 januari 2017

LINE Today about Malia Obama and Narnia

Hey, Maders! Do you read news everyday? It could be printed newspaper or online news on the internet. I always read news from LINE Today on my iPhone or iPad. LINE is a chatting application and it has complete features, especially for youngsters. On the other hand, I also use Whatsapp as my chatting app but it’s more professional and I use it more to talk with my boss or lecturers.

I get different news twice a day on LINE Today. The first news will show up at around 9 in the morning and the second one will come up at 7.10pm. It’s very informative and giving me knowledge. There are some categories such as Lifestyle, Entertainment, Biz and Tech, etc. I always read all news that LINE chooses for me and I also search for more news about topics I like.

A few days ago, I found news about Malia Obama. She copied what her mother wore as long as she became the daughter of US President. I feel so proud that I have the same name with her, Malia. She’s more beautiful that I am. Haha. She has perfect tanned skin and long legs.

This day, I just got news about Narnia. There was a list about movies spending much money on the production process. Narnia was on the 17th. I tell you, Narnia is my favorite thing in this world. It began when I watched the movies and read the novels. I bought some merchandises about Narnia and I had the poster. Narnia is my inspiration and my imaginary country where I could have a brother like what’s on the movies.

Above all, reading news is important to do. You’re not living in a cave, you live on this planet and you must know what’s happening around you. With reading, you don’t have to move from your chair to know what happens in another country. Plus, when your friends are talking about hot topic, you won’t miss it. It’s silly when you just keep silent because you have no idea what they’re talking about.

I think almost everyone has gadget in these days. Try to browse online news if you don’t want to spend your money to buy printed magazine or newspaper. Reading can be done anywhere and anytime, it only depends on your want. Happy Reading, Maders!

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