woensdag 31 mei 2017

My 22th Birthday

Hi, Maders! Is your birthday coming? Or did it already happened? I have the same birthday date just like Telkomsel, a cellular provider company. One thing that you should know about me is that I hide my birthday from people. I intentionally do it because I just want people (with special attention) to remember my birthday date. It’s okay to forget it though.

I turn off the birthday notification from my social medias and prefer not showing the date on my profile. In short, I keep it a secret. I feel happy when people note the date of my birthday without looking at my profile or something.

Personally, I note people’s birthday date on my old phone, Nokia E63. This phone has good schedule to show it up on the main screen so I will not forget those dates. Lecturers, close friends, and family.
Honestly, it’s such a pity when I always greet them but they (almost) never say happy birthday for me.

On the other hand, I don’t really celebrate my birthday on the exact date. I can buy the birthday present a week before or a week after. I usually do something I like and make myself happy. This time, I ate salmon sushi roll alone at Sushi Restaurant after buying the expensive Harry Potter novel. Okay, I expected someone there but I mostly do everything alone.

This afternoon, I drew something on a piece of paper showing a birthday girl and writing people’s names. They said happy birthday for me on the exact date. I appreciate them on the next day by writing their names on my drawing and it’s my way to thank them.

In other words, birthday is something we should appreciate, yet we should feel sad for. It reminds us about the time we live in this world, it’s not gonna be longer than before. Your age is decreasing, and have you been ready to die? I dislike birthday because I’m getting older, but I like it because it gives me attention from people around me.

A simple thing to make someone happy on their birthday is to greet them. Just text him or her and say happy birthday. You could also put additional pray for them to be a better person. Trust me, they will gladly respond it. I’d like to say happy birthday for Maders who have birthday. Stay cool!

zaterdag 20 mei 2017

Japanese Culture Fest at UDINUS

Hi, Maders! This Saturday I attended a Japanese festival at Dian Nuswantoro University. There were many food stalls, shows, and competitions. I was there for my friends, Shafa and Rifqi. Shafa joined the dance competition while Rifqi joined LCC. Honest I don’t know what it stands for. Haha. Sorry.

Mom took me there with Marion because she had an event near the campus too. I entered the gate and bought the entrance ticket, 10k. The first place I went was the restroom because I couldn’t hold it any longer. Peace! Then I texted Rifqi and we met at the lobby.

We bought Mochi ice cream and he paid it. There’s no change for my money so I used his money. Thank you, Rifqi! You know, I ordered vanilla flavor but I didn’t think that it’s vanilla flavor I received. Ah nevermind!

I met Rifqi’s mom and sat next to her. We watched the opening ceremony and followed Rifqi together. We talked a lot while waiting. It’s very nice to hear that Rifqi successfully won the competition! Incredible! We’re so proud of him.

Shafa came along to us and her face looked good with makeup. We talked for a minute and took selfie. I had to go because my mom’s event was nearly finished. I ordered Go-Jek and walked downstair.

Anyway, UDINUS is a cool campus that has escalators. I was about to study there before I was accepted in UNNES. Up till now, I’ll be glad to study there but what’s for? Hahaha. I’m in graduate program’s UNDIP right now.

Before I rode with Go-Jek’s driver, Rifqi’s mom introduced me to Rifqi’s brother and her husband. They waited her at the gate because they were about to check-in at Ibis Hotel. I plan to visit them on Sunday after skateboarding.

Well, nothing’s wrong with my casual look. It’s not anyone’s fault to see me like a high school student. I love to be much younger than my real age. On the other hand, I have a mature mind and I’m ready to meet my husband. Hahaha. Still waiting for him tho. Have a good life, Maders!

My Nephew's Visit, Dimas

Hey, Maders! Do you have a nephew? I used to get confused about family relationship. The terms such as nephew, cousin, niece, etc seem complicated, but now I understand them very well. My big family has branches of people and it’s increasing when someone’s having a kid after marriage.

This time, Dimas, my nephew slept over at my house for 4 days. Mom and I picked him up on Sunday morning at Tawang Train Station. He was having flu and he said that his ass felt pain because he sat all night long at the train. Hahaha.

Actually his visit was for having examination at Semarang State University because he’s trying to be accepted in state universities. My house is located near UNNES, so I was happy to take him there and accompanying him as long as he lived in my house.

I know that he needed to study but I asked him to explore my city, Semarang, while he’s here. We went to several places like Goa Kreo, Lawang Sewu, Pla Play, etc. I drove my car while he was sitting next to me. Another day, we rode my motorcycle but he was being the driver. It would be too awkward if I had been the driver. Hahaha.

Dimas is a friendly and funny boy. He’s very nice and he’s willing to carry Moopi (my cow pillow). It’s so cute! To be honest, I was also venting to him about boys and he gave me useful advice from boy’s perspective. Yeah!

I’m so happy to have him for a few days in my house. As you know, I have no siblings so I was like having a little brother although he’s taller than me. Absolutely! When we were kids, I carried him sitting in front of me. I was 4 and he was 1 year old. Now he’s the one that should carry me.

Well, Maders, having a guest in the house is always fun. You can share anything with him/her. Helping and supporting family are also necessary. For Dimas, sorry for making you dizzy because the game I chose and you needed to study but forgive me if I disturbed you at that time.
Love from your auntie,


vrijdag 19 mei 2017

Narnia Business Card

Hi, Maders! Have you had your own business card? If you’re under an institution or something, you may have a business card. It’s a simple way to share personal information to people you just meet. I often give my business card to strangers when we have talked much and introduced ourselves. I don’t know whether I will have a chance to meet them again or not but at least I’d keep in touch with them.

Recently I made new design for my business card with Narnia on the back. Haha. Yeah! I’m a true Narnian, you know. I was accepted in Diponegoro university last month, so it’s essential to update information on my business card.

The first time I made my business card was in English For Business, a subject from English Department in my bachelor program. I admit that it was just a ‘toy’. I put fake information on the card explaining that I had a company and I lived in Maryland, Narnia, Aslan Street. What?! Hahahaha. It’s kind of assignment from my lecturer that I should imagine of a company I owned.

As the time passed by, I made my real business card but it wasn’t in high quality nor standardized. I created the design from the template on my MacBook then printed it using ordinary paper. Very thin! Hahaha. The main function of it was for giving my phone number to people when I didn’t have time to change contact.

I always put an apple symbol, a red apple from Google, on my card with a text ‘Narnia’. Showing people that I’m a Narnian is a pride. Personally! For now I have the best business card I’ve ever made because I went to a publishing office to make it. They gave me 100 cards for only 60k with doff. My mom paid it because it’s a present from her that I could be accepted in a new university for getting my master degree. Yeay!

Okay, Maders, that’s all about my Narnia business card. For those who haven’t had it, just make it. Create your own design and show your interest. Have a good day! Bye!