zaterdag 13 mei 2017

Indonesia Forest Day

Hello, Maders! Today’s the Forest Day of Indonesia. There’s a gathering of several communities at Pesta Keboen. We celebrated this day by sharing about forest and plans. This world is getting worse day by day and the life of forest is our only hope to maintain our future.

I got this information from my friend on Whatsapp status. If she didn’t put it, I wouldn’t have a chance to enter Pesta Keboen for the first time. Yeah it was my first time to be in such a cool restaurant with garden concept. I ordered almond pudding because I was curious with the price of the food. Mostly they're damn expensive and pudding was the cheapest.

I came there with my next door neighbor, Shafa. I was skateboarding at Taman KB in the morning then I visited Pesta Keboen to participate the event. I had to force her to sit in front. She’s very shy and I’m brave enough to do something first or do something uncommon. Haha. Very different!

People paid attention to me because I brought skateboard inside. I was like a high school student still but I told them that I study in Diponegoro University.

There’s a dance about forest but honestly I didn’t catch the meaning till the MCs asked the dancers to explain it on the stage. There were four dancers and it was a scary dance. Hahaha.

I needed to leave the event because I had an appointment with my friend, Rifqi, at UDINUS. He joined Japanese competition and had a technical meeting this day till the afternoon.

I met Rifqi and his mom for the second time. It was such a nice meeting with them again. I introduced Shafa to them because she would be joining the competition as well next week.

We ate snacks together and had a talk for about an hour. Then I felt tired and asked a permission to go home. Next week, I would like to see the competition on Saturday if I don’t have something to do.

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