maandag 7 november 2016

Larissa Hair Treatment

Hey, Maders! I’m gonna talk about hair treatment this time. For boys, I apologize if you’re used to with this topic as you don’t go to salon every month like me. But girls, you need to listen carefully. Haha.

I go to Larissa once a month to get hair treatment. It’s like cream-bath at salon but a little bit different because of the treatment. I like going there and it’s near my grandparents’ house. The price for hair treatment is around 65k.

On the other hand, I go to a ‘real’ salon every four months to dye my hair or to get my hair cut. It’s nice to have this kind of activity because I feel relaxed. You know, I’ve been making my final project at campus, so I have a lot of pressure.

For daily treatment, I use Larissa’s products for my hair. There are shampoo, hair tonic, hair serum, and sometimes hair conditioner. It’s from tea tree because I need to remove my dandruff (if only I have). There are other kinds of those treatments and you had better choose based on your need.

Okay, now, I’d tell you the process of hair treatment at Larissa. Firstly, you take a queue number by clicking on a computer. Then, wait for a while until the customer service calls your number. You step forward and choose what treatment you will have. If you’re already a member, you don’t need to fill in a form. After that, you go back to your seat and wait a therapist calls your name. Next, you go inside in the treatment room.

You’ll be provided a cloth and a bag. You need to change your outfit. Then, your hair will be washed. The therapist will put lime and lidah buaya to your hair and she will say sorry if it hurts.

The next is giving cream to your hair and massages. It’s the best part FYI. Haha. Next, your hair will be steamed hot and cold. Then, she wil wash your hair and dry it. The process is done and it’s time to change your outfit. Oh yes, you’ll be given bread and drink while having the treatment.

How does it sound? Interesting, huh? Let your body relaxed and enjoy the treatment. Do what you can do now. Have a good day, Maders!

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